We all know how important it is to get new customers on board with your brand, don’t we? But the real key to long-term success is keeping those customers coming back for more and more and more.
Repeat customers are the easiest customers. Think about it, they know your product or service. They trust your brand. Most importantly, you already have a relationship with them. It is easier and cheaper to get someone to buy from you if they have bought from you before. So what does it take to turn a new customer into that favored repeat customer. We at Studio Green, LLC believe that there are a few simple ways to accomplish this!
1. Have a great product or service at a competitive price.
When you have a quality product or service, it will usually sell itself. Your customers will come back because they value and trust your product or service and your price is competitive.
2. Keep in touch
Sometimes your clients forget about you. Send them a thank you note for doing business with you. Notify your clients when you offer new products or have promotions. Not only is this a good gesture, but it keeps you on the clients mind.
3. Offer special discounts to repeat customers
Everyone loves a sale. Offering a special discount to your customers makes them feel appreciated. It makes clients feel like they are getting something exclusive. It makes clients feel important.
4. Do what you say you’re going to do
If you say you’re going to have something done by the end of the day, make sure it gets done by the end of the day. If you say you’re going to have something done by the end of the week, make sure it gets done by the end of the week. You need to take your customers for granted. Once they know that they can count on you for quality results, you will see an increase in customer satisfaction.