Mansa Lawn Care

Mansa Lawn Care, L.L.C. was started in Huntsville, Alabama with a vision of offering “quality over quantity” in the lawn care profession. We always take our time and treat every customers lawn like they are our only customer to ensure that their expectations are met as we pay attention to every detail. We keep a profile on every lawn so that a customer does not have to communicate their preferences to us twice.

Website Features & Capabilities

Z Call-to-Action Placements
] Custom Business Service Icons
b Custom Contact Form
SEO for Areas of Service

Plugins Implemented

  • None

Project Objectives

This was a web design project for a new lawn care business in the metro Huntsville and surrounding areas.  Their main focus was to establish a branded presence on the internet and optimized their website to their target clients.  They wanted to make sure that information about their business was easy to find and contact friendly.